Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Loving Presence

Have you ever witnessed a new mother looking into the face of her new born child? There is a stillness, a calm, she is no where else but right there, in that present moment and there is nothing but LOVE.

Loving PRESENCE is the key to relationships, building and is also our natural state of BEING. It is to be present in the moment and bring forth all the love you can muster and shower it upon the person through a smile, a warmth that radiates from your soul and pours out of your eyes when you gaze upon that person.

"Loving Presence isn’t something we do. It emerges as a natural state when we are calm, open, fully present, appreciative and relaxed — not impatient, not acting in a role, feeling overly responsible or worried or bored, It blossoms from an attitude or state of mind into a full-bodied experience of joy. When someone offers loving presence in relationship, it has a very powerful effect on another. Possibly without even noticing it, the other feels safer, feels heard, appreciated, and even understood. When that happens, healing has already begun and is most likely to continue in a fruitful direction."


Loving Presence can be practiced when engaged in a conversation with another, focus on just listening and not interjected with your own thoughts. Try to watch the mind and see when it goes off in another direction, redirect your energy to the present moment and on being THERE with the other person.

· "The power of Loving Presence for the person experiencing it is the full aliveness of being open to anothers beauty and strength, to the human spirit with all its beauty and pain. It brings with it the experience of compassion – of heart opening – a spontaneous opening that happens effortlessly when we are able to behold anothers suffering, vulnerability, or child-like qualities. The gift of Loving Presence is in the experience of being nourished simply as a result of seeing another with appreciation, with a willingness to be inspired, to enjoy the other person’s presence as a blessing, to see the divine in them perhaps…"

Practice this and let me know how your relationships change!

Email marni with your thoughts!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Power of Surrender

By surrendering to life we can live more effectively in the present

There’s much that can be done to take control in our lives. But our full potential can’t be achieved if we’re ruled by apprehension, anxiety, frustration, worry, doubt and/or fear.

Much of life is not in our control. Many of us may not want to acknowledge or face this. It can be too scary.

For example, as much as we may try to please others, we can’t control how they’ll react to us or what they’ll choose to believe or feel about us, a serious illness or accident may suddenly befall us; also, at any time, we may find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time and experience harm.

We’re always vulnerable in life and subject to sudden loss or mishap. This is an undeniable fact. And this is one of our greatest spiritual challenges -- to become accepting and comfortable with this fact and not let it daunt our spirit or misdirect our energies.

When we surrender to what IS, rather that create worry, doubt and fear about what may come of it, we are actually in our greatest power.

Acceptance of a situation or full surrender comes from the master thought of LOVE which opens up possibility. Worry, frustration, doubt comes from the master thought of FEAR which closes down and makes us unable to move forward.

Ironically, by accepting our vulnerability and life’s unpredictability (i.e., surrendering to life) we increase control. Then, instead of putting a great deal of energy into defending against the many onslaughts life might bring, we can put all of our energy into dealing with what life actually brings.


Email marni with your thoughts!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Specific Goal Setting - Create the Life You Want

What is it that you really want?

When is the last time you asked yourself that question?

Not what your spouse or life partners wants, not your family or friends, but YOU. As we get older we fall so much into the day to day that we forget that we have the ability to dream - and create... remember what it was like when you were a child and you had those BIG dreams. What were they? More importantly, what are they NOW?

I have been reconnecting to my dreams and meditating on what exactly it is that I want in my life. It is so much fun when you don't let limited beliefs get in the way of your dreams.

Edwine Gaines says, " One of the main reasons people don't reach for their goals is that they believe there is something about themselves that will prevent them from getting whatever it is they really want in their deepest heart of hearts."

You see, anything is possible - who told you it wasn't ??

The thing is that you must take steps toward the dreams you want.

Goethe said, "whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it."

Don't worry that your dreams are bigger than your bank account!

There is more than enough to go around - there is abundance EVERYWHERE! Its just a matter of learning to be aware of our own limited self beliefs. Those ideas and stories that creep into our mind (aka that little voice that says "no , you can't do that."

First thing first... if you want something you have to get SPECIFIC! After all... how can the universe start to move to help you if you aren't even sure what you want.

If I wanted to get something to eat and I walked into the supermarket and told the cashier to just "give me whatever" would I end up with what I want? Certainly not -- I would say I want a box of whole wheat crackers or whatever. See what I'm sayin' ?

I love the 21 day challenge that Edwine Gains references in her book, "The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity" Here is what she says... you have to be POWERFUL, "power is what you need to accomplish great things. But first you must be faithful in small matters before you'll be made a master over great matters."

Here is the challenge, ready for it? (thank you Edwine!)


This means:
  • No criticism
  • No bitchin
  • No gossip


I started my 21 day cycle and you know what, I'm lovin' it! If you are ready to start, let me know...lets do it together. Share it with a few friends and pay it forward.

Blessings to you,


Email marni with your thoughts!

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Living an Abundant Life


I woke up this morning and was so full of energy, love, light and grace filled my heart. I can't believe I was up until almost 2AM creating my new website!

Everything in my life is so abundant right now and I am receiving so many blessings
that I literally cried tears of happiness and joy last night while riding home after a beautiful evening.

You see, I have been completely focused on maintaining an attitude of ABUNDANCE.
What does that mean? Maintaining?

Maintaining a constant attitude of ABUNDANCE means you are remembering to observe who you are being as often as you can. You are focused on being grateful for all the wonderful things you already have in your life.

"You live in and with abundance when you accept the power of love to heal, transform
and create. Love is energy, so when you invoke love for yourself, for others,
and for the earth, you bring universal energy into focus."
- Meredith L. Young-Sowers (personal healing & spiritual discovery)

You see all thought is creative... did you know that? Think about it ;) When you have a thought about something it becomes the word that come out of your mouth, then "deeds" or events occur as a direct correlation to how you are thinking about them!

Change your thinking - Change your LIFE and then you create ABUNDANCE

Remember: Abundance or PROSPERITY
does not need to be about material things only.

~Abundance is the opposite of scarcity~

Chances are, your life is already ABUNDANT! You just haven't been aware or focused on it!

Then you are able to actually set your intention and work towards the goal of
tangible materials and events.


  • When money, position, or other material advantages are offered, look beneath the surface of success, profit or an important job title to see if abundance is truly present
  • Does the person you are doing business with, or do the circumstances from which you hope to make money, comply with the principles of universal abundance: to take only what is required in order to live reasonably upon the earth, to use al human and natural resources for the benefit of ALL and to proceed in all activities with a reverence for life?

Set your intention - focus and make this the most abundant day of your life!

Blessings to you,


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blessings, Miracles and being a Loving Presence

One of the things that I loved so dearly about Joseph was that he made things so simple - he talked about Spirituality being something accessible to EVERYONE. You see sometimes people think that saying your "spiritual" means that you want to go and learn to levitate or sit around all day and meditate.

That's not what being spiritual is about.

I think Conversations with God Book 1 puts it extremely well "Every action taken by human beings is based in love or fear." (page 18. 19) FEAR - is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. LOVE - is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals. Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked.


How do you do that? This is what Joseph taught me...

THOUGHTS TO LIVE BY -- A Guide to Creative Consciousness


Wealth, power, fame or status don’t necessarily produce happiness. Only consciousness development can do that.

This doesn’t mean that we must give up having great ambitions. They’re fine to have. What it means is that we should not fall into the trap of believing that happiness depends on achieving our ambitions. With this clarity, we may then wisely focus on working at improving our consciousness.

Briefly, here are three techniques I teach in my private Life Mastery Training. Learn to use them well and you’ll do much better in life.

1. MEDITATION: Be still in body and mind and sense your inner presence. How well you feel your inner presence is more important than the length of time you spend meditating. As you do this, you get calmer and see things more clearly.

2. SELF-REMEMBERING: Throughout daily activities, stop often to notice your inner presence. We all tend to get caught up in the urgency of the day. But as you remember yourself and sense your inner presence, you can act from a wiser and more loving place inside you.

3. SELF-OBSERVATION: Notice the character of your thoughts, feelings and actions. The aim here is to gain clear awareness of your behavior, but not to find fault. As you learn to do this from an impartial pure place inside yourself, you become more in command of your behavior and get much better results.

These techniques are not easy to learn or master. But once you do, they make a big difference in your life. At least that’s what my students find.

There are blessings and miracles that are in every moment of your life. Blessings are actual things that carry love from the universe directly into you heart.

Honor the small daily blessings:
* People
* Animals
* Plants
* Trees
* Natural Systems that support your life

Exercise for you:
List the blessings that come to you because of the people you love the most in your life
List the blessings that come to you because of the people you least like

May Joy and Love fill you with light and laughter today. Be Present!



Friday, March 12, 2010

Joseph Russo, my mentor and spiritual teacher

I remember after reading a number of books I was on the "path"... I was starting to understand these larger concepts that I was not alone and that there was something else other than my mind but it was so hard to be able to contextualize and understand it on my own.

I got on the Conversations with God web
site (Neale Donald Walsch) and I found some study groups in Manhattan. I contacted 2 of the organizers and 1 of them returned my call.

That's when I met Joseph Russo and I started attending his Life Mastery Training (LMT) groups on Wednesday nights. Joseph changed my perspective on life, love, learning to be present and also learning how to not judge myself. I am such a perfectionist ! And I began to see that I don't have to perfect, its okay to mess up sometimes, the world won't fall apart :)

I started to learn that we all have the ability to create the exact life we want. But, it isn't as simple as the book "The Secret" tells you it is. You can't just "think" about things and you attract them... you have to learn to remember to stop and observe who you are being in any given moment.

Try being more SELF AWARE today... take a read of one of Joseph's emails this may help you...

THOUGHTS TO LIVE BY -- A Guide to Creative Consciousness

Lack of self-awaren
ess can be the main factor undermining successful
living. It’s a form of ignorance that can cause us to act poorly
despite how intelligent we may be. Without sufficient
self-awareness, we can’t really be in high command of ourselves or
our lives.

For instance, we might often speak with little awareness that we may
be making unpleasant faces, using distasteful words, speaking too
loudly or too quickly, interrupting, repeating ourselves, meandering
or adding monotonous details. Any of these can keep us from being
properly understood or having a positive impact. In fact, while we
may think we’re having a good conversation, we may actually just be
turning people off.

Lack of sufficient awareness of our bodily or mental activity can
also have negative consequences.

For example: unnoticed negative thoughts or feelings can cause
over-reactions and poor decision making; unnoticed wishful thinking
or unrealistic expectations can lead to great disappointment and
feelings of failure; unnoticed spiritual needs can lead to feelings
of emptiness and despair; unnoticed body strain and stress can cause
health problems; unnoticed higher intuitive guidance can keep us
from taking the most timely and effective course of action.

What we don’t notice we can’t correct, adjust or tend to.
This is why the practice of self-observation is an important key to
Life Mastery. As we become more fully aware of what’s actually going
on with ourselves, we can then act more wisely and successfully.
Goodness and joy to all, Joseph.

To visit web site:

Make this a great day...many blessings to you!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Beginning...

I am so excited to start this blog and share with others the journey I have been on now for the last few years...the journey of self discovery.

You see I grew up without having any belief in their being a power greater than ourselves. Its a lonely world and a tough journey when you think you are all alone, isn't it?

Then I met a gentleman named Dr Ron Rubin who introduced me to a book I read called Many Lives, Many Master by Dr Brian Weiss. That was probably almost 5 years ago now. I read that book and it began to open my mind and heart that there is something else out there in the universe...whatever you want to call it it: Jesus, God, The Universe, Krishna... that there is something larger than ourselves.

Then, the next book I read which has become my go to text is called Conversations with God Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch. This book REALLY opened my heart and mind.

My goal in this blog is going to be to show YOU how I started the journey and process to self discovery and how I am now consciously creating the life I WANT. I plan to help you and give you the tools so that you too can find your JOY.

I will share with you best practices, how to meditate, how to do "the work" each day... what texts and tools are available to you.

My commitment to you is that you will realize your full potential and life a joyous life of your own creation!

Many blessings to you,