Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blessings, Miracles and being a Loving Presence

One of the things that I loved so dearly about Joseph was that he made things so simple - he talked about Spirituality being something accessible to EVERYONE. You see sometimes people think that saying your "spiritual" means that you want to go and learn to levitate or sit around all day and meditate.

That's not what being spiritual is about.

I think Conversations with God Book 1 puts it extremely well "Every action taken by human beings is based in love or fear." (page 18. 19) FEAR - is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. LOVE - is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals. Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked.


How do you do that? This is what Joseph taught me...

THOUGHTS TO LIVE BY -- A Guide to Creative Consciousness


Wealth, power, fame or status don’t necessarily produce happiness. Only consciousness development can do that.

This doesn’t mean that we must give up having great ambitions. They’re fine to have. What it means is that we should not fall into the trap of believing that happiness depends on achieving our ambitions. With this clarity, we may then wisely focus on working at improving our consciousness.

Briefly, here are three techniques I teach in my private Life Mastery Training. Learn to use them well and you’ll do much better in life.

1. MEDITATION: Be still in body and mind and sense your inner presence. How well you feel your inner presence is more important than the length of time you spend meditating. As you do this, you get calmer and see things more clearly.

2. SELF-REMEMBERING: Throughout daily activities, stop often to notice your inner presence. We all tend to get caught up in the urgency of the day. But as you remember yourself and sense your inner presence, you can act from a wiser and more loving place inside you.

3. SELF-OBSERVATION: Notice the character of your thoughts, feelings and actions. The aim here is to gain clear awareness of your behavior, but not to find fault. As you learn to do this from an impartial pure place inside yourself, you become more in command of your behavior and get much better results.

These techniques are not easy to learn or master. But once you do, they make a big difference in your life. At least that’s what my students find.

There are blessings and miracles that are in every moment of your life. Blessings are actual things that carry love from the universe directly into you heart.

Honor the small daily blessings:
* People
* Animals
* Plants
* Trees
* Natural Systems that support your life

Exercise for you:
List the blessings that come to you because of the people you love the most in your life
List the blessings that come to you because of the people you least like

May Joy and Love fill you with light and laughter today. Be Present!




  1. Absolutely beautiful, Marni! Thank you for sharing! Judi Peralta

  2. Sorry for this very delayed response Judi! I just realized that I haven't been getting notification of comments to the blog and I just figured that no one was commenting. I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR COMMENTS!!! Have you been reading my other posts? Thanks, Marni
